إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

Having the ability to communicate directly, securely, privately and immediately with employees during an emergency is priceless! Why? Just ask yourself what you have in place today? Next week? Next month?

Are you required to provide an immediate emergency communications system within your establishment? Probably not, but the real question is why wouldnt you if it was offered free?

MobileUpdate.Me is offering a FREE Lite Version of our MUM Application to help you provide a more safe work environment. FREE meaning nothing, nada, niente, nichts, rien, or 何も. However, if you feel this app helps you and you wish to make a donation Ill gladly accept your generous contribution.

Just register here, enter your employees into the secure system, have your employees download the MUMLite app from their Apps store and everyone’s securely connected.